Monday, June 29, 2009

First day of Maternity Leave

Today was my first day off.  It was the first time I've woken up at 8:30am on a Monday :)

We had an awesome weekend in Santa Cruz - the Bay Area was over 100 degrees, so it was nice to get away to a cooler place - cooler only because there was a nice wind that masked the 90+ degree weather.  We had rented a house which turned out to be pretty much right on the beach.  So relaxing...just what I needed.

We're at 36 weeks now.  I've been having a few contractions here and there.  So far everything has checked out ok and my doctor says the contractions are a good sign that things are progressing normally.  Good to hear!  Still, I'm not taking any chances and started washing all her clothes, sheets, towels, etc... today.  What a big task - between her laundry and mine & Amit's, I've already done 5 loads of laundry today!  And I'm not done yet, either...

If tomorrow doesn't bring more laundry, I'm hoping to catch a midday movie.


Karthik Vugane said...

Nice Anjali, you're in the groove!
And er...about the laundry, get ready for marathon laundry sessions from now on. The bright side to this is, you can easily spend a full saturday or a sunday doing this!! how fun eh?!!

Mankikars said...

What??! I thought you were only getting out of bed at 10:30!
