Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Don't Mess With Ancient Chinese Techniques

Saturday night we were over at Samir and Manisha's house. They're having a girl in April, and we started talking about my upcoming ultrasound. Samir knew of a Chinese gender prediction website, so after dinner we all settled in to learn from the Chinese masters.

When we entered my info into the site, it made pretty much the same prediction that most of our friends did...a girl. So there it was - an official prediction ("guaranteed" to be correct) was now out there... we'd have to wait and see on Monday.

Well Monday came along, and it was time to leave for the appt. As usual Amit wasn't ready yet. This date seemed so far away for so long, and now we were finally about to leave...if Amit ever decided to be done brushing his hair. Amit finally came downstairs - ok I was wrong - he wasn't brushing his hair. He had been busy getting a camera, a flash drive, and a blank CD to take along with us...just in case! It made me smile. After 2 full minutes of hugging, we were on our way!

Amit was a little flustered, I could tell he was a little nervous. Amit tends to look the same when he's nervous and when he's not nervous - so it takes a really keen eye to tell the difference :) I was anxious too. It had been 2 months since I had the last ultrasound at my doctor's office (in Week 11) and I was feeling really uneasy not knowing how things had been developing since then. I think we were both feeling so many things, it was amazing to think that within the next hour, we'd be picturing ourselves with a litle boy or girl.

We rushed over to Camino Medical Ctr and arrived there about 1 minute before our appt time. I handed the form to the receptionist and they took us straight back to the ultrasound room. Our technician was a really cranky woman whose name I don't know because her ID badge was on backwards. She didn't let me watch any of the ultrasound because she "needed to focus on some very important details". I thought I'd be really upset, but somehow watching Amit's face for that 45 mins made me so happy. He was grinning, his eyes wide. And every once in a while he'd perk up a little more and look at me and smile. It made me feel like I knew everything that he was looking at, even though I had no idea. Finally at the end, the technician let me take a quick look at the screen. I paid careful attention and relished the 2 minutes that I got to see my daughter! Yes...that's right- we're having a girl!