Thursday, January 12, 2012

Words of Wisdom (?) by Naina

My good friend suggested a while ago that blogging N's fun phrases as a good way to remember them when time flies as it does. So here they are!

At 18-months:

No way!

Uh oh, my bad

Oh Maaaaan!


When I told her it was bedtime, she held up 2 fingers, looked at me and said "2 minutes"

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday

Baa Baa Shit (Baa Baa Black Sheep!)

I'm thinking (when Amit asked her a question)

A couple of weeks before her 2nd birthday:

Mamma: Naina, when's your birthday?

Naina: July

Mamma: July what?

Naina: Seven. It's MY birthday. No touch my birthday. (then turns to Amit) No touch my birthday, Daddy!

At about 2-yrs:

How are you today, guys? (to Amit & me)

What you guys talking about? or What you guys saying?

Mommy, your hair is so long. My hair is long too. That's super super cute.

N: What you doing Mamma?
Me: I'm putting on pants, Naina.
N: No that's Jeans. You need shirt too.

N: Are we going home? (on the way home from school)
Me: Yeah
N: Don't say yeah, say YEAH!
Me: Okay, yeah
N: Not yeah, YEAH!
(this went back and forth a few times until finally...)
N: Don't scream at me Mommy!
Me: I didn't
N: Yeah, you did.
Me: No I didn't.
N: Yeah you screamed. That's not ok. We have to be nice to each other.

Mary had a yidda yam, yidda yam, yidda yam. Mary had a yidda yam, who something and said no.

Me: Do I look nice, Naina?
N: You need makeup, Mommy
I've also been told You need to brush your hair, Mommy and You need to change your shirt, Mommy.

N: Mommy and Daddy, my brother has a sister.
Us: Who's your brother Naina
N: Minin's my brother. And Pachi is my sister.

Pretty much every time she lists friends who will be at a party:
Rishon and Oranj (Arin!) and Rishon and Akhil and Rishon and Minin and Rishon and Vedu and Rishon...

Aah, yes. Our little chatterbox keeps us happily entertained every single day!