Monday, April 14, 2008

cole slaw is the new salsa

5 days left till the Relay! After all these months of anticipation, it's finally here! We leave Friday afternoon to drive up to Calistoga. There's a dinner with Dean Karnazes (author of the autobiography Ultra-Marathon Man) that night. I am almost finished reading his book - have just a couple more chapters to go. Then the Relay starts Saturday morning and will wrap up by Sunday evening.

I'm the "official" Captain of Van 1, so runners 1-6 from our team will be with me. It's my job to make sure our team's runners get to their start points on time, give them water along the way, clock their times, etc... Oh and I'm also the official photographer of Van 1! Exciting stuff!!

Check back next week to see some pictures and hear about the run.

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