Tuesday, December 25, 2007

PV Days 2 & 3

Finally, there we were, in Puerto Vallarta. It took 2 days to get there, and we were eager to get to the beach. Amit, Leena and Ricky spent the first day lounging around and napping at the beach, the pool, and in the hotel room. Perhaps Dumma and I should have done the same...instead, we went to the gym, played tennis and ran around doing every activity in sight! Dumma even made friends with the old ladies in the Water Aerobics class. We were wiped out!

The second day we all joined Dumma and his new friends for Water Aerobics. It was much harder than it looked. We had a fabulous day - swimming, lounging at the beach, sampling the Mai Tais & Pina Coladas... Now this was a vacation!

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